
Evans Vanodine Shift is a heavy duty power wash liquid that rapidly penetrates and removes organic soiling. The heavy duty, bactericidal detergent cleaner is suitable for cleaning buildings, vehicles and equipment and is designed for use with a pressure washer. Evans Vanodine Shift is suitable for cleaning floors, walls and ceilings within all types of livestock housing, fixed equipment and vehicles. The product is ideal for achieving maximum efficiency and ensuring speed and thoroughness in the removal of organic build up on all surfaces.

The high quality product contains surface active agents for the deepest penetration of residues and alkaline detergents for rapid disposal of organic matter. Evans Vanodine Shift readily mixes with water and is free rinsing and safe to use on most surfaces.

Features & Benefits

  • Powerful and heavy duty detergent cleaner.
  • Safe and very economical in use.
  • Suitable for all livestock housing.
  • Ideal for use in all types of pressure washers.
  • Provides the rapid removal of organic soiling.
  • Mixes readily with water.
  • Can be used for foam cleaning.
  • 5ltr.
  • Also available in a bulk 25ltr drum.
  • Contains a pH of 13.3.
  • Sold individually.

How to Use

For heavy soiling: Dilute 1:250 parts hot or cold water.

For light soiling: Dilute 1:500 parts hot or cold water.

For foam cleaning: Dilute 1:150 parts hot or cold water.

Apply solution through a steam cleaner or power washer and cover the entire surfaces to be cleaned. Allow to soak in for a minimum of 15 minutes to effect maximum penetration and soil removal.

Continue to pressure wash all areas, paying particular attention to corners, cracks and the underside of fixed equipment.

If the product is required to use as a foam, dilute with water and apply with compressed air or high pressure water foam generating equipment. Allow 15 minutes contact time before rinsing away with clean water.

Technical Data

BrandEvans Vanodine


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