
Evans Easy Strip is a powerful, high active, floor polish stripper. It will remove stubborn floor polish by mopping and therefore ideal for use in small, confined or awkward areas. Suitable for use on most floors including vinyl, rubber, linoleum and sealed surfaces.

Features & Benefits

  • Removes the most stubborn polish film.

  • Quick efficient action, saves time and money.

  • Strips polish with a mop or a floor machine.

  • Can eliminate the need to neutralise.

  • Ideal for use in a spray stripping system.

  • Contains a pH of 12.0.

  • Sold individually *(please see below for delivery information)

  • Full case pack size - 2 x 5ltrs.

How to Use Evans Easy Strip Floor Polish Stripper

Polish Removal With Mop: Dilute 1:6 parts with warm water (800ml per 5ltr) or 4 cupsful per 5ltr.

Polish Removal With Floor Machine:Dilute 1:50 parts with warm water (100ml per 5ltr) or ½ cupful per 5ltr.

Application Using Mop or Floor Machine: Mop solution onto the section of floor required, leave for 5 minutes. Do not allow solution to dry out. Agitate with mop or scrub with floor machine and stripping pad. Remove slurry with wet pick-up or mop. Providing all slurry has been removed, it is not necessary to rinse, but check floor is neutral before applying polish.

Spray Stripping: Dilute 1:20 parts cold water (25ml per 500ml). Spray floor lightly and scrub using a stripping pad and high speed floor machine. 

Technical Data

BrandEvans Vanodine


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